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Featured Artist in the Vogue-Owned Magazine "The World of Interiors"

A few weeks ago I was contacted via email by the British magazine, The World of Interiors, inviting me to be a featured artist in their publication. I was extremely delighted by this unexpected opportunity. However, I was also surprised they even found me since I still have a rather microscopic internet presence as an artist.

While reading a 2019 New York Times article I learned the magazine, owned by Vogue, has a small but influential readership which includes the directors from the high-end luxury fashion houses of Givenchy, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Burberry as well as world famous actors Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett.

Before I accepted the invitation, I had to see this magazine for myself. Since it was a British magazine, I didn't know if it would be easy to find it in the US. Thankfully, I found it at the first place I looked; the Barnes and Noble newsstand! As I sat down to look at this magazine for the first time, I found myself slowly turning each page to indulge in its stunning sophistication and beautiful elegance.

I am happy to report I will be one of the featured artists in The World of Interiors 2023 July, August, and September issues which will include an image of my artwork, a short bio, my website, and social media handles. I feel honored as well as validated to be included in this prestigious magazine which is carefully curated for their discerning readership. And what a privilege to be alongside these other talented artists! (I'm number 49 in the July issue below.)



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