Funds Successfully Raised for At-Risk Kids Arts Card Project!

On June 15th I shared via email and social media my fundraising needs to send 100 arts cards to at-risk kids through the Open Sky Arts Collective summer program. I am excited to report that within less than an hour I received 50% of my goal and within 18 hours I had surpassed my fundraising goal!
Some of my donors shared why they personally responded so quickly to this project. Here's what they shared with me:
"I love your passion for art and I have a love for kids in situations beyond their control. So this was a "no-brainer" for me. I felt instantly connected." ~Becky
"It fills my heart with joy to be able to help you help these kids find hope and learn about God's love for them! I'm thrilled you are doing this!" ~Wendy
"I grew up hearing how bad I was, people pointing out my faults and I never was encouraged. I grew-up never wanting anyone to hurt the way I hurt; to feel like a looser the way I felt most of my life. If I can help change the life of one young person, that blesses me. I want everyone to know they have a lot of good in them and they are valuable. Thank you for the opportunity." ~ Ruth
Thank you all for your heart and partnership to help make this project possible. Because of your generosity, I'm able to send 120 arts cards to these kids!
On the front of the Arts Card is a picture of a painting and the kids can choose which card they'd like (there is a variety of 60 different paintings) and on the back of the card is a poem I wrote especially for these kids along with a scripture, a short note from me and the title of the painting. The cards are 5" x 8" in size. Here's what's on the back:

You are loved by God He has a plan for you; Let Him spread His wings of love To cover over you.
In the darkest night Or the loneliest of days, He has a plan for you Even in the midst of haze.
He made you for a purpose To more than just survive Jesus came to give you life A life that’s meant to thrive.
So when it seems hopeless Seek Hope with all your might Hang on to Jesus in the dark He’s there waiting to give Light.
Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)
May you come to know the fullness of Jesus love, life and plan he has for you. Plans to give you hope and a future. Love, Nanci
Monday of this week I gave the cards to Anita, the Open Sky Arts Collective Project Coordinator, and they're on the way to the kids in West Virginia! Please be praying for these kids, as the Lord leads you.